What is the Great Art program? It is a school-wide, volunteer-driven arts enrichment program. Volunteers host a monthly, one-hour classroom session for all grades. A short presentation on a visual arts topic is combined with a related hands-on art project. 

Who pays for Great Art at Sunrise Valley ES? Great Art is funded entirely by the SVES PTA. The PTA purchases all art supplies necessary to complete the art projects. SVES students participate in 5 months of Great Art throughout the school year, and we need enough materials for at least 600 students per month. Your PTA membership dollars are essential to support the Great Art program.

How does it work? Great Art school coordinators provide PowerPoint presentations, background materials, and art projects to volunteer lead presenters. Great Art classroom coordinators send out monthly sign-ups to their class families through the PTA's website.

Is it a big time commitment? Not at all! You can do all five sessions, or just one depending on your schedule. The session begins with a 10-15 minute discussion guided by a PowerPoint presentation which is then followed by an art project. With set-up and clean-up, the time commitment is about 90 minutes.

Do I have to be an art expert to volunteer? Absolutely not! You will receive an annotated PowerPoint presentation with images to lead the discussion. The kids enjoy participating so your role is to keep the conversation lively and focused.

Who would I contact for more information? The Great Art Coordinators: Alexis Estep and Maggie Booth at SVESPTAGreatArt@gmail.com.

We love our Volunteers! Without you, there would be no Great Art program!

How can you get involved?

  • VOLUNTEER in the classroom as the lead presenter and/or project assistant. No special art knowledge is required!
  • BE a classroom coordinator – create monthly sign-ups, be the scheduling point person with the teacher, and communicate with the volunteers.
  • PARTICIPATE in one or all five sessions! The kids love it and you will have a chance to spend time with them during the school day in a fun, creative way.
  • ASK your child about the Great Art program and what they learned.
  • JOIN the PTA so we can keep the program funded!

Contact the SVES Great Art Coordinators: Alexis Estep and Maggie Booth at SVESPTAGreatArt@gmail.com to volunteer as a classroom coordinator or with any questions.

Thank you for volunteering! Without you there would be no Great Art. The goal of Great Art is to enrich the student's experience with extra art in the K-6 classrooms with a one-hour session scheduled five times a year in October, November, February, March and April. This session involves a 15-minute lesson and a hands-on art activity. The kids love it, and we think you will too.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions are below.  If you still have a question, email us at svesptagreatart@gmail.com or contact your classroom coordinator.

What is the Presenter responsible for?

  • Reviewing the PowerPoint lesson, presenter notes*, and activity material in advance. 
  • Picking up and returning supplies (or assigning someone). Arrive 15 minutes early.
  • Presenting the lesson.
  • Reminding activity helpers to set up during the presentation.  
  • Minding the clock for ~15 minutes for presentation, ~30-35 minutes for the activity and clean-up time *optional, set timer to rotate stations.
  • Assisting as an Activity Helper as needed.

*PowerPoint Presenter Notes

  • To view the notes, under the 'View' tab select either Notes Page or Normal (underneath the slides move the grab bar up if not visible). 
  • Another option, under the Slide Show tab select Presenter View (scroll to read all notes). 
  • A copy of the presentation with notes is provided with the activity supplies.


What is an Activity Helper responsible for?

  • Reviewing activity material in advance and ideally the PowerPoint lesson.
  • Setting up the activity during the presentation by following the detailed instructions and determining roles (who’s working which stations, etc.).
  • Assisting with the activity. 
  • Minding the clock for ~15 minutes for presentation, ~30-35 minutes for the activity and clean-up time *optional, set timer to rotate stations.
  • Cleaning up and putting all supplies and paper materials together in an organized manner for the presenter to return to the workroom.


Supplies: The who, what, and where

  • Who picks up supplies?  
    • The Presenter 
  • What supplies are provided? 
    • Everything. The activity materials, a printout of the presentation including the presenter notes, and a printout of the activity instructions are boxed up and ready to go. The classroom laptop is used for the presentation.
  • Where are the supplies?
    • In the teacher workroom located at the beginning of the K-3 hallway. As you enter the K-3 hallway, turn left towards the playground doors, immediately on the right is the workroom. Supplies are immediately on the left on the cart. There is one cart for K-2 and one cart for 3rd-6th.  


Where and when do we meet? 

Arrive 15 minutes in advance and meet in the classroom or just outside if a lesson is in session. Review your roles and begin set up.


How can I help make the session successful? 

  • The students really enjoy the activity, so mind the clock to allow time.
  • Limit questions or the number of students who can answer if time runs short.
  • Have students sit on the floor during the presentation so the activity can be set up at the desks.
  • BEFORE students go back to their seats, explain what the activity is while you still have their attention.
  • Relax and enjoy it too!


Do I need special art knowledge? What if a student asks a question I don’t know the answer to? 

No special knowledge is needed. Both the PowerPoint lesson and the activity instructions include instructor notes with general information, scripts, tips, and answers to questions you are posing to the students. Don’t have an answer? Tell them you are learning too! Ask the other students what they think, have another volunteer do a quick search, or encourage them to check at home or in the library. In the end, you’ll learn too!


How can I contact the other volunteers?  

Select your child’s teacher under the Class & Group menu on the left side of the main page in PTBoard. On the classroom page, near the top center it reads, “Class & Group: Teachers Name (people icon).” Click on the “people” icon for a list of all the members in the class. Click on their email address to create an email. You can also reach out to the classroom coordinator for assistance.


How can I review the PowerPoint lesson and Activity materials in advance?  

Click on the Great Art “Materials” tab, separated by monthly sessions. Materials will be posted at least a week in advance.


How do I access the PowerPoint in the classroom?  

The teacher will bring up the presentation using the classroom laptop.  


Will the teacher be in the classroom?  

Yes, the teacher must stay in the classroom. Some teachers offer to assist where needed and may help make connections to classroom learning, divide students into groups, etc. Some use the time to catch up on other work. Either way, the presenter is the lead for the session.


Where do I share suggestions or feedback?  

We’d love to hear from you at svesptagreatart@gmail.com or share feedback with your classroom coordinator. Our program continues to grow each year, with successes and bumps along the way. We appreciate your ideas and experiences. 


Each class will be unique: we provide the framework but the variables change with every session. The kids, teachers, and volunteers love the opportunity for the hands-on fun and gain new knowledge along the way. Thank you for making Great Art possible.



Great Art will be presented in classrooms during October, November, February, March, and April.

  • October: Mary Cassatt
  • November: Eric Carle
  • February: Alma Thomas
  • March: Japanese Art - Origami
  • April: Georgia O'Keeffe
Great Art Materials
October: Mary Cassatt
Attention Presenters:

Some specific notes about this month:

  • October’s session is Mary Cassatt
  • Cassatt was an American painter and printmaker, however she lived much of her adult life in France. She was born in Pennsylvania in 1844, and died in France in 1926.
  • She was one of the first women artists to become famous. She was friends with Edgar Degas and exhibited with the Impressionists.
  • The art project is tempera painting using tempera cakes to paint a still life in the style of impressionism.
  • All grades will use the same project materials, except grades K-2 can use watercolor paper that has a pre-drawn still life to paint in. 

PLEASE NOTE — it is better to keep the presentation short and allow for more time to work on the art project. Aim for about a 10-15 minute presentation. Feel free to cut and shorten where needed, focusing on the 3 BIG IDEAS. 

The powerpoint presentation covers a lot of material and there is room for class discussion. Specifically, for younger students (grades K-2) keep your audience in mind and skip over information as needed. Focus on the 3 big ideas. Remember to be mindful of the time and allow plenty of time to work on the art project.

General Information:

  • Review the presenter notes in the PowerPoint. See how to below.
  • Paper copies of the presentation with the speaker notes, and the activity instructions are provided in the binder on the Great Art carts.
  • The presenter picks up the activity materials located in the teacher workroom.  As you enter the K-3 hallway, turn left towards the playground doors, immediately on the right is the workroom. Supplies are immediately on the left on the cart. There is one cart for grades K-2, and one cart for grades 3-6.
  • The teacher will bring up the presentation using a school laptop.
  • Please plan to arrive 15 minutes early to set up.
  • We appreciate your help with getting all the drawing materials back on the carts.
  • Please return all materials promptly.
  • Please let us know if anything needs to be restocked or is missing.
  • Have fun!

Thanks again for volunteering and making Great Art a success!


Contact svesptagreatart@gmail.com with questions.


Great Art Materials

November: Eric Carle


Attention Presenters:


Some specific notes about this month:

  • November’s session is Eric Carle
  • Carle was an American author and illustrator of children’s books. He was born in New York in 1929 and died in 2021 at 91 years old in Massachusetts.
  • His famous picture book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, first published in 1969, has been translated into more than 66 languages, and more than 50 million copies have been sold worldwide.
  • A self-described “picture writer,” he wrote and illustrated more than 70 books for young children, selling more than 170 million copies.
  • Art project: illustrate your own accordion book. With the use of tissue paper, glue, and oil pastels, create a collage in the style of Eric Carle. 
  • All grades will use the same project materials. Grades K-2: accordion books will be folded in advance.

PLEASE NOTE — it is better to keep the presentation short and allow for more time to work on the art project. Aim for about a 10-15 minute presentation. Feel free to cut and shorten where needed, focusing on the 3 BIG IDEAS. 

The powerpoint presentation covers a lot of material and there is room for class discussion. Specifically, for younger students (grades K-2) keep your audience in mind and skip over information as needed. Focus on the 3 big ideas. Remember to be mindful of the time and allow plenty of time to work on the art project. 


General Information:

  • You can preview the Carle presentation, activity, and our FAQ section on the Great Art PTBoard page (click Great Art).
  • Review the presenter notes in the PowerPoint. 
  • Paper copies of the presentation with the speaker notes, and the activity instructions are provided in the binder on the Great Art carts.
  • The presenter picks up the activity materials located in the teacher workroom.  
  • As you enter the K-3 hallway, turn left towards the playground doors, immediately on the right is the workroom. Supplies are immediately on the left on the cart. There is one cart for grades K-2, and one cart for grades 3-6.
  • The teacher will bring up the presentation using a school laptop.
  • Please plan to arrive 15 minutes early to set up.
  • Please return all materials promptly.
  • Have fun!


We appreciate your help returning all art materials to the carts. Please let us know if anything needs to be restocked or is missing.


Thanks again for volunteering and making Great Art a success!


Contact svesptagreatart@gmail.com with questions.


Great Art Materials

February: Alma Thomas


Attention Presenters:


Some specific notes about this month:

  • February’s session is Alma Thomas
  • Thomas (September 22, 1891 – February 24, 1978) was an African-American painter, art teacher, and pioneer in the art world. 
  • She lived and worked in Washington, D.C. She was an art teacher for most of her adult life, and then began working on her art full time in her retirement at age 69.
  • Thomas is most remembered for her abstract, brightly colored paintings depicting nature and space related themes.
  • Art project: create an abstract painting and collage inspired by Alma Thomas. All grades will use the same project materials.

PLEASE NOTE — it is better to keep the presentation short and allow for more time to work on the art project. Aim for about a 10-15 minute presentation. Feel free to cut and shorten where needed, focusing on the 3 BIG IDEAS. 

The powerpoint presentation covers a lot of material and there is room for class discussion. Specifically, for younger students (grades K-2) keep your audience in mind and skip over information as needed. Focus on the 3 big ideas. Remember to be mindful of the time and allow plenty of time to work on the art project. 

General Information:

  • You can preview the Thomas presentation, activity, and our FAQ section on the Great Art PTBoard page (click Great Art).
  • Review the presenter notes in the PowerPoint. 
  • Paper copies of the presentation with the speaker notes, and the activity instructions are provided in the binder on the Great Art carts.
  • The presenter picks up the activity materials located in the teacher workroom.  
  • As you enter the K-3 hallway, turn left towards the playground doors, immediately on the right is the workroom. Supplies are immediately on the left on the cart. There is one cart for grades K-2, and one cart for grades 3-6.
  • The teacher will bring up the presentation using a school laptop.
  • Please plan to arrive 15 minutes early to set up.
  • Please return all materials promptly.
  • Have fun!

We appreciate your help returning all art materials to the carts. Please let us know if anything needs to be restocked or is missing.


Thanks again for volunteering and making Great Art a success!


Contact svesptagreatart@gmail.com with questions.



Great Art Materials

March: Japanese Art - Origami


Attention Presenters:


Some specific notes about this month:

  • March’s session is Japanese Art - Origami
  • Origami is the art of transforming a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture by folding. 
  • Art project: provided with a variety of origami tutorials, students will have the opportunity to make origami. If students know other origami projects, they are welcome to share with their class. 
  • All grades will use the same project materials.

PLEASE NOTE — it is better to keep the presentation short and allow for more time to work on the art project. Aim for about a 10-15 minute presentation. Feel free to cut and shorten where needed, focusing on the 3 BIG IDEAS. 

The powerpoint presentation covers a lot of material and there is room for class discussion. Specifically, for younger students (grades K-2) keep your audience in mind and skip over information as needed. Focus on the 3 big ideas. Remember to be mindful of the time and allow plenty of time to work on the art project. 

General Information:

  • You can preview the Origami presentation, activity, and our FAQ section on the Great Art PTBoard page (click Great Art).
  • Review the presenter notes in the PowerPoint. 
  • Paper copies of the presentation with the speaker notes, and the activity instructions are provided in the binder on the Great Art carts.
  • The presenter picks up the activity materials located in the teacher workroom.  
  • As you enter the K-3 hallway, turn left towards the playground doors, immediately on the right is the workroom. Supplies are immediately on the left on the cart. There is one cart for grades K-2, and one cart for grades 3-6.
  • The teacher will bring up the presentation using a school laptop.
  • Please plan to arrive 15 minutes early to set up.
  • Please return all materials promptly.
  • Have fun!

We appreciate your help returning all art materials to the carts. Please let us know if anything needs to be restocked or is missing.


Thanks again for volunteering and making Great Art a success!


Contact svesptagreatart@gmail.com with questions.




Great Art Materials

April: Georgia O'Keeffe


April is the last month of Great Art. Thank you all for volunteering this year! Great Art would not be possible without your help!


Attention Presenters:


Some specific notes about this month:

  • April’s session is Georgia O’Keeffe.
  • O’Keeffe is one of the most important American artists of the 20th century.
  • She was a successful American painter at a time when few women were recognized as artists.
  • Art project: using watercolors and oil pastels, students will create a painting inspired by nature and O’Keeffe – emulating O’Keeffe’s close-up floral imagery.
  • All grades will use the same project materials.

PLEASE NOTE — it is better to keep the presentation short and allow for more time to work on the art project. Aim for about a 10-15 minute presentation. Feel free to cut and shorten where needed, focusing on the 3 BIG IDEAS. 

The powerpoint presentation covers a lot of material and there is room for class discussion. Specifically, for younger students (grades K-2) keep your audience in mind and skip over information as needed. Focus on the 3 big ideas. Remember to be mindful of the time and allow plenty of time to work on the art project. 

General Information:

  • You can preview the O'Keeffe presentation, activity, and our FAQ section on the Great Art PTBoard page (click Great Art).
  • Review the presenter notes in the PowerPoint. 
  • Paper copies of the presentation with the speaker notes, and the activity instructions are provided in the binder on the Great Art carts.
  • The presenter picks up the activity materials located in the teacher workroom.  
  • As you enter the K-3 hallway, turn left towards the playground doors, immediately on the right is the workroom. Supplies are immediately on the left on the cart. There is one cart for grades K-2, and one cart for grades 3-6.
  • The teacher will bring up the presentation using a school laptop.
  • Please plan to arrive 15 minutes early to set up.
  • Please return all materials promptly.
  • Have fun!

We appreciate your help returning all art materials to the carts. Please let us know if anything needs to be restocked or is missing.


Thanks again for volunteering and making Great Art a success!


Contact svesptagreatart@gmail.com with questions.